Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Snapbuilt: MG Zeta Gundam Unit 3 part 1

good day everyone. finally, i had the time to start snapbuilding my Master Grade 1/100 Zeta Gundam Unit 3 [White Unicorn ver] last night. this unit is piloted by White Unicorn (aka Amuro Ray) and its featured in Gundam Evolve../Omega number 9. the episode also featured 2 more Zeta Gundams piloted by Red Snake and Grey Wolf.

to start off my snapbuilt kit review, here's the boxart of the MG kit:

next are the contents and the catapult display base. one of the reason what i like with this kit, it includes a display base. ^^, and since Bandai included a display base, they ignored putting a landing gear for the Wave Rider mode. it's ok... but it's also sucks at the same time. o_O

so far in my experience with building Master Grade kits, this is the first time i've build a head without worrying about seamlines. practically, there's no seamlines on its head. you just have to clean and sand the cut marks, that's it. what's good is, the head parts consists of left and right side, the face plate, main camera block and the v-fins. not like with the other Gundam heads (e.g. RX-78-2), it consists of front and back side. that's why you need to sand and clean the seam lines located on the top of the head. with the Zeta, they eliminated that by building it sidewards. hope next time, Bandai will do this format on their next and upcoming releases -- esp on Gundam Unicorn. ^^,

now, this is the part when i started to notice that i will going to have a hard time building this kit. i also noticed that the transformation mechanism are complicated. o_O next photo is the cockpit with the Amuro figure. then after building the main torso, i attached the shoulder joints on both sides.

here's the finished arm parts with the manipulators. then just for the fun of it, i tried transforming the torso part to its Wave Rider form. so far, so good. now, i'm starting to like where this kit is going. ^^,

next are the waist unit. although this consists of small individual parts, i find this one also complicated. because this part happens to hold the main transforming sequence for the leg units. i just hope they put some diecast metal parts for it. ^^,

i think that's it for now. will continue this with the leg units hopefully tomorrow evening after work.

thanks for dropping by. ^^,

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