i guess some of you Gundam collectors knows what GFF stands for. for those of you who aren't, it stands for GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION. all the early Gundam figures from this series are based on Hajime Katoki's Gundam Fix artbook. the latter (new and upcoming releases) are based from his new designs. or it's based on his 'take' or 'vision' to an existing Gundam mechas which is designed by other notable mechanical designers. all the figure designs are checked and produced by Katoki himself. and it is released by Bandai.
GFF toys share features found on MSiA (Mobile Suit in Action), EMSiA (Extended Mobile Suit in Action), and AMSiA (Advanced Mobile Suit in Action) but it is more detailed and it has more accessories. most of it has a swapping parts to change one mecha design to another. it depends on its Mobile Suit Variants design couterparts. just remember that this line is more expensive than the other lines mentioned above. this is the museum-type Gundams. it's 'for display only'. ^^,
now as to why i decided to get a GFF figures. it's simple. the Gundam designs i like is not available on model kits. and most of them have a Full-Armor add-on parts. though some conversion resin kits is available but it is more expensive and it will really need a lot of work just to build it. so i decided to get the GFF line instead. special thanks goes to sir Malvin, the owner of GreatToys.net for giving me special discounts on these items. thanks sir Malvs. sa uulitin. ^^,
so here it is. my 4 wanted Gundam GFF figures:

#0009 FA-93HWS Nu-Gundam + HWS (Heavy Weapon System)

#0019 FXA-05D+RX-178 Super Gundam / FA-178 Full-Armor Gundam MKII

#0023 MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki / MSR-00100 Hyaku-Shiki Kai + Full-Armor

#0030 MSZ-008 ZII
this series is best for those who love to collect and display their Gundams. you don't need to paint it nor put some details into it. it's perfect as it is. though some of it has Q.C. flaws like paint smudges and bent V-fin antennae. so better inspect the figure first before buying it. for the whole Gundam Fix Figuration line up, you can check this website.
now, since i do have a lot of Gundam-related toys from Bandai. and most of them have its own version of the original Gundam. i decided to go for my fifth (and last as of the moment. hehehe. :D ) GFF figure -- the RX-78-2 Gundam. i'm choosing between the upcoming #0036 FA-78-1 Full-Armor Gundam or #0037 PF-78-1 Perfect Gundam. so guys, what do you think?

Full Armor Gundam or Perfect Gundam ???
thanks for looking. ^^,